Gedung Simpang Temu Dukuh Atas Jalan Juana, Menteng, Jakarta 10310, Indonesia

Transport Agency of DKI Jakarta: Integrated Fares Can Be Paid Through the JakLingko App and Card

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Head of Transportation Agency DKI Jakarta stated that the implementation of integrated fares for three modes of mass public transportation, TransJakarta, MRT, and LRT, can now be used with the JakLingko app and card.

"Both options are available. Therefore, the application is fully operational and can be tested today, just like the transportation card," explained Syafrin Liputo, the Head of Transportation Agency DKI Jakarta, during an announcement in Jakarta on Thursday.

As an illustration, he said, the public can use the JakLingko app to find the most cost-effective route from their point of departure to their destination. For instance, when traveling from MRT Fatmawati Station to the TransJakarta Bank Indonesia bus stop, prospective passengers have several options, one of which is the most economical route with a cost of Rp5,750 and an estimated total travel time of 60 minutes. For the cost-effective route, he said that users depart from MRT Fatmawati Station to MRT Istora Station and then transfer to the TransJakarta Polda Metro Jaya bus stop, before heading to the southbound TransJakarta Bank Indonesia bus stop. The savings for this route amount to Rp6,750, compared to the regular fare of Rp12,500 for a one-way trip.

Syafrin also provided an overview of the journey from LRT Pegangsaan Dua Station to MRT Lebak Bulus Station. The integrated fare with the cost-effective route is Rp9,250 with a travel time of 105 minutes, which is a more budget-friendly option compared to the regular fare of Rp17,000 for a one-way trip. The route is from LRT Pegangsaan Dua to LRT Velodrome, then switching to TransJakarta Bus Stop Pemuda Rawamangun via Corridor 4C and getting off at TransJakarta Bus Stop Polda Metro Jaya. From TransJakarta Bus Stop Polda Metro Jaya, you then proceed to MRT Station Istora and head to MRT Station Lebak Bulus.

Syafrin emphasizes that, when transferring between mass transit modes, users must carry out tap-in and tap-out scans using both the JakLingko app and the card, as both can be recognized by the system since they are still part of a unified integration. Additionally, he mentions their plans to enhance the promotion of the integrated fare system for the three mass public transport modes, TransJakarta, MRT, and LRT Jakarta, in the upcoming month to encourage increased usage, with a maximum integrated fare of Rp10,000. The JakLingko app can be downloaded for free by the public, primarily through Google Playstore. As for the card, he mentioned that users can utilize JakLingko cards, Bank DKI cards, and Bank Mandiri cards. He also noted that electronic money from other banks can still be used, but it needs to be updated at JakLingko counters so that there's no need to purchase a new card. 

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